Rabu, 30 November 2016

This is the Basic Rules Trim Weight - Kompas.co

This is the Basic Rules Trim Weight - Kompas.co
 Many diets are offered for weight loss. Each emphasizes the advantages and superiority. No bids within just 2 weeks diet to lose weight 5 kg, no diet without restricting food intake, and sebagainya.Saya never entered into Kinokuniya bookstore at the mall Takashimaya, Orchard, Singapore. Rows of books on many diets on display there. In bookstores Chapter, Ottawa bookcase on diet are also hits, as well as in several bookstores in the United States. Not only that, most of the books on display was also claimed to be a bestseller. And, most of the books published in the United Amerka it, the author also from there. However, surprisingly it turns out they are oversized, potbelly become endemic in sana.Memang, this fact. Most of the recommended diet fail to lose weight. In fact, no such thing as a phenomenon known as Yo-Yo dieting, your weight initially fell rapidly, then not how long it will go up again exceed the weight semula.Nah, "why most diets fail to lose weight for someone?" There are many reasons, but this article does not discuss it, but little offensive principles, basic rules in weight loss. The basic rule is: Calories. The balance of calories in (from food) and calories out (which is used by the body) will determine whether or not the weight down someone. The weight will drop when calories are used exceeds the incoming calories, or calories we burn more of the calories that the body of food consumed. Suppose your food intake daily average of 2,000 calories per day, then you reduce the average 100-150 calories, for example by simply throwing a habit of not drinking bottled tea lunch time, then in a month can decrease your calorie intake 3000-4500 calories , When all of this is fat, then your weight will go down 300-500 grams. In one year could go down 3-5 kg. Converse is also true, if you burn fewer calories than required, although only 100-150 calories per day, in one year your weight will go up 3-5 kg. So, your weight going up or down everything depends on the balance of calories hotel.The food is healthy or unhealthy. The food was obviously not the same. There are foods that contain nutrients that are good, healthy or otherwise. 500 calories to 500 calories of white rice and brown rice just is not the same influence on a person's body. Because the food was not only a source enrji, but also for your life, the cells that form, nourish the body, even the thoughts, feelings and emotions, then choosing healthy foods, which contain nutrients that complete an important consideration in reducing weight badanOlahraga , Sport is an important part of the diet. Whatever weight loss program that you live, you still do sport. Sports is not only beneficial to increase the burning of more energy, thus helping you lose weight, but also lower the risk for certain diseases. Sports improve your blood lipid levels, increase muscle mass. And, even if your weight does not go down, exercise is still beneficial to health. By walking, jogging 30 minutes every day routine, which spends about 150-200 calories, then within a month you can burn 3000-4500 calories. And when the intake of food consumed remains as usual, with regular exercise, weight loss will also be reduced to 300 gr-500 gr per month. In one year you will lose weight 3-5 kg.Bukan short term, but long term. Many weight loss programs that promise short-term results, two weeks down 5 kilos for example. According to this study is not even good. Most of the weight loss like this is only due to the influence of fluid loss, not fat loss. Many studies show that weight loss like this do not last long, generally will rise again, it may even be more severe. So, no need of weight loss like that. Gradual weight loss, though only 1-2 kg per month even more baikNah, by knowing some basic principles of weight loss is, hopefully the weight loss program you have and live decides to run properly and your weight goal is reached. Pekanbaru, 3-02-2014

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan

14-hari Pilates Menurunkan Berat Badan Challenge!

Apakah Anda penggemar Pilates, dan mengetahui dan memahami manfaat dari ketat, tubuh kencang tanpa memiliki pengalaman dekat kematian pada sepeda berputar? Apakah Anda juga tahu bahwa satu sesi Pilates seminggu memenangkan & rsquo; t memberikannya kepada Anda? Selamat Datang di tantangan 14 hari, sebuah ide yang dikembangkan oleh suami saya, Steve, yang merupakan NY Pilates baru bertobat.
Ia merancang tantangan 14 hari bagi kita suatu pagi ketika di lewat, saya mengomentari betapa besar abs nya tampak. & Ldquo; Ini & rsquo; s Pilates, & rdquo; katanya terkejut dan bangga. Dengan hanya dua sesi seminggu ia telah mendapatkan hasil yang nyata dalam beberapa minggu latihan yang konsisten. & Ldquo; Aku bertanya-tanya, & rdquo; katanya, & ldquo; apa perubahan mungkin terjadi jika saya pergi ke sesi setiap hari selama 14 hari & rdquo.; Ya, saya pikir melihat abs saya sendiri di cermin, mengagumi perut Buddha saya yang telah menjadi kurang dan kurang jelas dengan sendiri dua sesi mingguan yang biasa.
Jadi, tanpa banyak basa-basi tantangan 14 hari lahir. Kami bekerja dengan staf berbakat dari Kinected NYC studio pilates untuk merancang super baik-bulat, kick-ass program yang dirancang untuk menargetkan setiap otot pada tubuh dan kemudian beberapa.
Berikut ini adalah pelajaran dari perjalanan tantangan 14 hari kami:
1) Tidak ada alasan. Sebagian besar dari kita on-the-go New York mengelola karir yang sukses, dan menjalani kehidupan sosial yang sibuk, sambil mencoba untuk mendapatkan tidur yang cukup dengan momen yang tersisa untuk bernapas. Meskipun semua kegilaan, itu benar-benar mungkin untuk membuat sesi Pilates harian bekerja tanpa terlalu banyak usaha.
2) Ini & rsquo; s semua tentang prioritas & mdash; jika Anda benar-benar percaya pada sesuatu dan ingin mencapai hasil yang nyata, itu & rsquo; s semua tentang membuat waktu untuk itu & mdash; yang menghubungkan ke pelajaran 1 belajar).
3) Kemajuan isn & rsquo; t selalu diukur dengan pinggang yang selalu menurun tapi kebugaran agak keseluruhan. ketahanan kardiovaskular saya pergi ke tingkat yang baru; misalnya, sebelumnya 40 menit latihan interval pada sepeda atau treadmill adalah tantangan serius & ndash; sampai 3/4 dari jalan melalui tantangan 14 hari ketika aku melihat aku wasn & rsquo; t tele setelah intens 30 menit dari 60 interval detik pada kecepatan 5,5-7,0 atas treadmill di tanjakan 10 derajat. Siapa yang tahu!
4) Anda adalah apa yang Anda lakukan & ndash; lama pepatah & ldquo; Anda adalah apa yang Anda makan & rdquo; berlaku untuk merawat tubuh Anda. Anda mendapatkan kembali apa yang Anda masukkan ke dalam Jika Anda don & rsquo;. T mencoba sesuatu yang baru dan terus-menerus menantang diri, Anda akan selalu mendapatkan hasil yang sama. Albert Einstein pernah berkata bahwa kegilaan adalah melakukan hal yang sama berulang-ulang dan mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru! Jadi, maju merancang Pilates sendiri menurunkan berat badan 14 hari tantangan dan bersiap-siap untuk beberapa manfaat yang serius. Silakan, saya berani Anda!

Senin, 07 November 2016

8 Tips Proven Effective Lose Weight -

8 Tips Proven Effective Lose Weight -
Currently undergoing weight loss programs, there are many challenges that would confront. One of the toughest is the temptation of food out there that is as if calling your name.
Food manufacturers have spent millions of dollars researching the color, flavor, aroma, and packaging to find the best way to attract consumers to spend more.
But in recent years, researchers have discovered a few tricks to help suppress hunger. Use this trump card when the urge to overeat arise. The trick there is based on the results of scientific studies so that you are worthy to believe.
Research shows that people who eat in front of the mirror, will be less able to enjoy junk food. As a result, you will eat less food that does not accord than you eat in a room without mirrors.
Conversely, those who apply a healthy diet will feel more positive and excited about themselves.
The researchers found, your reflection from the mirror can help you choose healthy foods. You will not be happy to see a reflection of yourself with a pile of junk food. But healthy choices will trigger positive emotions.
Take 10 minutes to tidy the kitchen which is messy and disorganized. Research says, messy kitchen makes a person more likely to reach for unhealthy snacks such as cookies, according to a study published in the journal Environment and Behavior.
They ate about 100 calories more than those who have a neat kitchen. The kitchen is immaculate make people more likely to choose the carrot rather than calorie-laden instant food.
The scientists found, reached into a purse or pocket to pay cash candy or a bag of chips can provide enough pause to reconsider the purchase.
The pain of parting with cash can block the desire of impulsive purchase of unhealthy snack.
Dim the lights YOU
With soft lighting, stress will be reduced and go, the conversation began to attract and improved mood, and you eat less, according to a study published in Psychological Reports.
In the study, participants who ate in dim lighting can still enjoy the food and take more time to finish his meal.
They also consume 18 percent fewer calories than those who ate under bright lights.
Eating while menontot TV or a movie is not a wise thing to do because you can continue to eat without realizing it.
However, eating while watching action movies or games, more dangerous, according to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
People who are tense because of the spectacle of an action movie, eat snacks twice more than those who watch a comedy. Sad spectacle makes people eat 28-55 percent more, than people who watch a comedy.
The smell of peppermint helps to control the desire to eat because of emotional stress, according to research published in the journal Appetite.
In the study, people inhaling the scent of peppermint every two hours, reduced hunger. As a result, they consume 2,800 calories less per week than people who are not inhaling the scent of peppermint.
Spoon and fork long will slow you down and help you collect more enjoyment from your food. (The same goes for longer than chopsticks chopsticks short).
A Taiwanese study in Psychological Reports found that, tableware short to make the volunteers feel the need to take more food.
While the long cutlery, people can better enjoy their meals and they are to require more time between spooning food by putting it into his mouth. Finally, they were so eat less.
A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, found that people will be able to control meal portions when dining with plate color that contrasts with the color of the food.
Another study in the International Journal of Obesity found that eating from blue rimmed plate causing more people understand that eating them is excessive.
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